Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pre-Transplantation Contemplations

After a long contemplation and research I decided to end the story of my baldness with a 'hair transplant'. I was suffering from receding hair line since 2004 and started using a patch... ' weaved hair'... in 2007. But there is lot of agony associated with wearing & maintaining the patch, so it gives a natural appearance. Patch did appeared natural with thick dense hair on my scalp but at the cost of my Natural Self. I always had to worry that weather my unnatural hair is looking natural or not! And Finally i decided to undergo hair transplant..


There was lot of research to be done.
Few questions which haunted me were..

  • Q. What are the possible procedure available?
A. After extensive use of google, i realised that the plantation of hair at the bald area is essentially the same with some subtle difference in the technique/ instrument used. The implantation procedure involves creating slits or fine holes (about 0.9 mm diameter wide and 4-5mm deep) at the bald area and placing each graft individually in the holes. This can either be done with a needle (which can create a hole but needs surgeons precision that depth of holes should not be more than required) or can be created by specifically designed instruments that doesn't allow more than required depth to be created. Beside choice of surgeon is also seemed important as creation of slits need precision. 

The major issue is to decide how to get the follicle harvested. After learning about the procedure i could realize that there are just two techniques available for the harvest..FUT & FUE.

In Follicular Unit Transplant process, a strip of scalp is stripped or cut out of the hair bearing area of the scalp. and the gap is sutured to cover the deficit. This leaves a fine scar line on the back of the scalp not visible even if a half a inch of hair is present at the back. The benefit of this procedure is that that harvesting is easy and more number of graft can be harvested at one sitting. The morbidity of the procedure is more than the other method but still it is insignificant.

In Follicular Unit Extraction procedure, Individual follicles are punched out and are placed into a saline solution, and later placed in the slits made in the recipient area. An 0.8mm to 1 mm punches are made to extract the follicle. These tiny punches heals as readily as they are formed and usually doesn't last more than 3 post op days. This procedures needs surgical precision and after healing it would be impossible to tell that any extraction has been made from the donor area.
This is latest of all the techniques and still gaining the popularity. Presently it is costlier than the FUT.

The plantation technique remains same for the both procedure.

The Clinic I chose satisfied my criteria.

  1. Surgeon here is a MCh [Plastic Surgery]. This implies he has skills for performing microsurgeries, much demanding than hair transplant. Hair transplant would be a easy task for him.
  2. He takes personal care of the patient. Access to the Doctor is essential to develop faith in the procedure.
  3. The surgeon was a member of 'International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery', a society governing the hair transplant clinics. The only inference i derived from this that he is active and versed with recent advancements of hair transplant techniques.
  4. Above all, after personally talking to him, I got fully satisfied.

  • Q. What will be the result?
I chose for FUE. The procedure is done on 31st August and 1st September, 2011
    The result? Still not known. 
    Follow me on the blog to know what will be result.
    Expecting a thick dense hairs on my scalp. The transplant has cost me all my saving and and i really need a good result! Pray for the good results!

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