Saturday, September 3, 2011

Procedure Day 2 [01-09-2011]

Procedure Day 2 [01-09-2011]

Day began just as yesterday. 
The difference was that did not sleep well at night. sleeping upright was not easy. 
Still i was fresh enough to go through Half day procedure [as today just 500 grafts had to be implanted]

Had a bath below my shoulder. Had a few fruits as my breakfast. 
No Milk today. Taking Milk was more difficult task than the procedure itself.

At 8:30 am the procedure began. The Surgeon Dressed the yesterdays donor area and took me into OT. Harvesting today was bit painful as area was slightly inflamed and the aesthetic did not work totally, but still it was much bearable. By 11:30 am, the procedure was over.

Had Lunch at the clinic itself.

I was free for the day. They have called me again tomorrow for a Hair Wash and to teach me how to take care of the area for next few weeks.

All is well till now.

Was a the hotel room for rest of the day. Ordered food from local joint and had it in the room. 
Watched TV all through the rest of the day. Took Pain Killers in the night and went to sleep.

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